Permaculture Library

Index of English-language published works asserting a permaculture approach classified in alphabetical order of author’s names.

Permaculture Library

Permaculture Library

Bernard Alonso, Cécile Guiochon,
Human Permaculture : Life Design for Resilient Living
New Society Publishers, septembre 2020

Permaculture design : a step-by-step guide
Permanent Publications, 2012

Aranya indian organisation website

Jan Martin Bang
Permaculture : A Student’s Guide to the Theory and Practice of Ecovillage Design
Floris Books 2015

Jan Martin Bang & Craig Gibsone
Permaculture : A Spiritual Approach
Findhorn Press ; Inner Traditions International, Limited 2015

Jan Martin Bang website

Juliana Birnbaum ; Louis Fox
Sustainable revolution : permaculture in ecovillages, urban farms, and communities worldwide
Berkeley, Calif. : North Atlantic Books, 2014.

Jenni Blackmore
Permaculture for the Rest of Us : Abundant Living on Less than an Acre
New Society Publishers, 2015

Jessi Bloom, Dave Boehnlein, Mr. Paul Kearsley
Practical permaculture for home landscapes, your community, and the whole earth
Timber Press, 2015

Will Bonsall
Will Bonsall’s Essential Guide to Radical, Self-Reliant Gardening Innovative Techniques for Growing Vegetables, Grains, and Perennial Food Crops with Minimal Fossil Fuel and Animal Inputs
Chelsea Green Publishing

Adam Brock
Change Here Now : Permaculture Solutions for Personal and Community Transformation
North Atlantic Books, 2017

Graham Burnett
The Vegan Book of Permaculture : Recipes for Healthy Eating and Earthright Living
Permanent Publications, 2014

Martin Crawford
Creating a Forest Garden
Green Books, 2010
Creating a Forest Garden : Working with Nature to Grow Edible Crops
UIT Cambridge Ltd., 2010
How to Grow Perennial Vegetables : Low-maintenance, Low-impact Vegetable Gardening
UIT Cambridge Ltd ;Green Books, 2012
Trees for Gardens, Orchards, and Permaculture
Permanent Publications, 2015
Shrubs for Gardens, Agroforestry, and Permaculture
Permanent Publications, 2020

Martin Crawford & Caroline Aitken
Food from Your Forest Garden : How to Harvest, Cook and Preserve Your Forest Garden Produce
UIT Cambridge Ltd., 2014

Barnes Douglas
The permaculture earthworks handbook : how to design and build swales, dams, ponds, and other water harvesting systems
New Society Publishers, 2017

Ben Falk
The Resilient Farm and Homestead : An Innovative Permaculture and Whole Systems Design Approach
Chelsea Green Publishing, 2013

Nicole Faires
The Ultimate Guide to Permaculture
Skyhorse Publishing, 2012. Reed. Skyhorse 2016

Francis Field
Permaculture : From Urban Gardening to Backyard Homestead, The Comprehensive Guide to Permaculture and The Sustainable Living
Paperback 2020

Darrell Frey
Bioshelter Market Garden : A Permaculture Farm
New Society Publishers 2011 [III ed.]

Toby Hemenway
Gaia’s Garden : A Guide To Home-Scale Permaculture
Chelsea Green Publishing, 2009 [2 ed.]

Perrine & Charles Hervé-Gruyer
One Quarter Acre, Two French Farmers, and Enough Food to Feed the World
Foreword by Eliot Coleman
Chelsea Green Publishing

Anna Hess
Permaculture Chicken : Incubation Handbook
Wetknee Books 2012
Permaculture Gardener Homegrown Humus : Cover Crops in a No-till Garden
Wetknee Books 2013

Hodge Lindsay ; Haven Homestead Media
Conversations on Permaculture and Prepping
Lindsay Hodge 2016

David Holmgren
Sustainable Living at ’Melliodora’ Herburn Permacuture Gardens, A Case Study in Cool Climate Permaculture 1985-2005
Hepburn, Victoria : Holmgren Design 2005

Permaculture in the Bush
Hepburn, Victoria Holmgren Design Services. 1985

Trees on the Treeless Plains : Revegetation Manual for Volcanic Landscapes of Central
Victoria. Hepburn, Victoria : Holmgren Design Services. 1994

David Holmgren, Martin Ducker, Ross Mars
The Basics of Permaculture Design
Permanent Publications 2005 [New edition]

David Holmgren
Permaculture Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability
Permanent Publications, 2011

David Holmgren & Peter Bane
The Permaculture Handbook : Garden Farming for Town and Country
New Society Publishers, 2012

Sepp Holzer
Sepp Holzer’s Permaculture : A Practical Guide to Small-Scale, Integrative Farming and Gardening
Chelsea Green Publishing, 2011

Rob Hopkins, Ross Mars, Simone Willis
The permaculture transition manual : a comprehensive guide to resilient living
New Society Publishers, 2016

Dave Jacke, Eric Toensmeier
Edible Forest Gardens, Vol. 1 : Ecological Vision, Theory For Temperate Climate Permaculture
Chelsea Green Publishing 2005

Edible Forest Gardens, Vol. 2 : Ecological Design And Practice For Temperate-Climate Permaculture
Chelsea Green Publishing 2005

Juliet Kemp
Permaculture in Pots : How to Grow Food in Small Urban Spaces
Permanent Publications, 2013

Zach Loeks & Joel Salatin,
The permaculture market garden : a visual guide to a profitable whole-systems farm business
New Society Publishers, 2017

Joshua Lockyer, James R. Veteto
Environmental Anthropology Engaging Ecotopia : Bioregionalism, Permaculture, and Ecovillages
Studies in Environmental Anthropology and Ethnobiology. Berghahn Books, 2013

Looby Macnamara,
People & permaculture : caring and designing for ourselves, each other and the planet
Permanent Publications 2012 ;2013

Bill Mollison
Permaculture Two Practical Design for Town and Country in Permanent Agriculture
Tagari, 1979 [1st ed.]

Bill Mollison
Permaculture Design Course Series :

- Pamphlet I Introduction to Permaculture
- Pamphlet II, Permaculture in humid landscapes
- Pamphlet III Permaculture in arid landscapes
- Pamphlets IV Permaculture on low islands
- Pamphlets V Permaculture on high islands
- Pamphlets VI Permaculture on granitic landscapes
- Pamphlet VII Permaculture for fire Control
- Pamphlet VIII Designing for permaculture
- Pamphlet IX Permaculture techniques
- Pamphlet X Forest in Permaculture
- Pamphlet XI Water in permaculture
- Pamphlet XII Permaculture in urban areas & urban-rural links
- Pamphlet XIII Permaculture & cooperation between community, government and business.
- Pamphlet XIV The Permaculture Community
Edited from Transcript of the Permaculture Design Course.
The Rural Education Center, Wilton NH USA, 1981

Bill Mollison & David Holmgren
Permaculture One : A Perennial Agricultural System for Human Settlements
Tagari Publications, 1990 [5th ed.]

Bill Mollison, Graham Bell, David Bellamy
The Permaculture Way : Practical Steps to Create a Self-Sustaining World
Chelsea Green, 1992

Bill Mollison & Reny Mia Slay
Introduction to Permaculture
Tagari Publications, 1997

Bill Mollison & Reny Mia Slay
Permaculture. A Designers Manual
Tagari Publications 1997

Bill Mollison
An introduction to permaculture sheet mulching. Experimental strategies and techniques for the pacific northwest coast
2001 [3 ed.]

Rosemary Morrow
Earth User’s Guide to Teaching Permaculture
Melliodora Publishing, 2014

Jono Neiger
The permaculture promise : what permaculture is and how it can help us reverse climate change, build a more resilient future on Earth, and revitalize our communities
Storey Publishing, LLC, 2016

Jeff Nugent, Julia Boniface
Permaculture Plants : A Selection
Chelsea Green Publishing, 2009

Tao Orion
Beyond the War on Invasive Species : A Permaculture Approach to Ecosystem Restoration Chelsea Green Publishing, 2015

William W R. Ozier
William’s PDC : A Permaculture Design Course
William Ozier 2013

Matt Powers
The Permaculture Student 1
The Permaculture Student 2 . A collection of Regenerative Solution
Powers Permaculture 2017 coll. Permaculture : principles and pathways beyond sustainability

Tenaqiya Rain.
West Coast Food Forestry : a permaculture guide

Roxanne Swentzell
Our home flowering tree (an experimental place in sustainable living systems)
Flowering Tree Permaculture Institute, 1993

Patrick Whitefield
The Earth Care Manual : A Permaculture Handbook for Britain and Other Temperate Climates
Permanent Publications, 2005

Patrick Whitefield
Permaculture in a Nutshell
Permanent Publications ; Chelsea Green Pub. Co 2009, 2011

Patrick Whitefield
Permaculture Design A Step by Step Guide
Permanent Publications 2012

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Permaculture au Rwanda

Réseau de partage d’expériences et de mise en œuvre de projets permacoles

Les articles 12

IMG: Irriguer avec des artefacts en argile cuite Il y a 2000 ans, l’agronome Fan Shengzhi qui avait été chargé par l’empereur de Chine d’élaborer des solutions permettant d’augmenter les rendements des (...)
IMG: Techniques traditionnelles II. Cultiver en creux pour créer des oasis Stratégie de l’oasisDans les milieux où l’eau et la végétation sont rares, l’objectif des cultivateurs est d’éviter au maximum de perdre l’eau de pluie du fait (...)
IMG: Permaculture et design Pour appréhender le sens du mot permaculture, pour son créateur, Bill Mollison, nous publions la traduction de deux extraits de son ouvrage Permaculture a (...)
IMG: Techniques traditionnelles I. Ralentir, étaler, retenir, faciliter l'infiltration de l'eau Avec ce texte sur les dispositifs permettant de ralentir, étaler, retenir les ruissellements et faciliter l’infiltration des eaux dans les sols, nous ouvrons (...)
IMG: Introduction aux techniques traditionnelles de gestion et de recueil des eaux de pluie Dès les débuts de l’agriculture, les cultivateurs, et plus particulièrement ceux des zones arides ont cherché à mettre au point des techniques permettant de (...)
IMG: Cultiver l'eau pour restaurer les sols et le climat Sans eau pas de vie. Sous différentes formes et états, l’eau est indispensable et à l’émergence et au maintien de la vie et compose l’essentiel des êtres (...)
 La Vie Re-Belle | 2018 · 2024